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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cara Mudah Membuat Kaset DVD Dari Koleksi Video Youtube | ANasz-Blogs

I'm sure my friend all been dong a movie or music from DVDs and play them using a DVD Player. Since the presence of a quality DVD sound and picture clearer and more stable then the public is more like collecting DVD instead of VCD video display that is often broken.
Well, the problem is sometimes we are not satisfied when buying DVDs on the market that contains a collection of music because a lot of music that does not fit with what we expect. For that, what if we just create your own DVDs of our favorite music collection? Is it hard for the manufacturing process? Definitely curious!
We'll show you how to create a DVD from the collection of video tapes that we downloaded from the website Youtube. There are actually many ways to make DVDs like to make it through Total Video Converter and others. But our weakness is often confused with the convert, burn and others.
Well, if we make use DVD Flick is then guaranteed to be easier, more practical and faster without having to convert and others. DVD Flick is a free and open source program, we can store a variety of video formats that we have into a DVD and is compatible to run on TV with video player.
Supported video formats very much, namely: AVI, AVS, DivX, FLV, HDMOV, MPG, MPEG, MPV, M2V, TS, MP4, M4V, MKV, MJPG, NUT, 3GP, 3G2, NSV, QT, MOV, RM , SMK, OGM, WMV and ASF. The output can be adjusted in accordance with the general size of 4.3 GB DVD or also a variety of formats / other sizes. The output can be selected for direct burning (save) to a DVD or in the form of an ISO file that can later burning. Or generated DVD files directly on your hard drive.
Here are the steps to create a DVD Video with DVD Flick:

* Make sure you have first have a collection of video with FLV format that you've downloaded from the website Youtube.
* Please your number all your collections of files in a way block all files then right click and Properties. To create 1 piece of tape usually takes 600 MB DVD FLV file (so you need to consider is the total of your FLV file and not the number of file)
* If so, please download DVD Flick is already available on the link below and install it to finish.
* Now run DVD Flick through shorcutnya are already available on the desktop. Oh yes, also enter your tapes to DVD Blank DVD RW computer or your laptop.
* First of all, set the first through the Project menu Settings

  • It will show a dialog box like the image below. On the General tab, please name the title of your DVDs look

  • Then click the Video tab, and in the Target Format make sure you choose PAL as specified in our region (Asia)

    * Next, click the Burning tab. Give a tick mark on the Burn Project to Disk. Give the name of your disk and the Disk Label box. As for the other setting leave it alone.
         * If so, please click the Accept button.

        * You will be taken back to the original view. Now we will enter the collection of video (flv) that we have. Please click on the Add Title that is on the right.
             * Then it will be displayed Select Video File dialog box as shown below. Please you are looking for your video file and blocks all the video and then click the Open button.

          • Wait a few moments, then all your video files will be included as shown below.Daftar Berbutir

          * Now, please click on the Settings menu at the top. In this section we will set the initial appearance before the movie starts. Here are provided some templates you can choose one. For example, here I choose the Party. If already, click button Accept.Daftar Berbutir
            * Next, to start creating your DVD then please click the Create DVD menu at the top.
                 * If a dialog box like the following, then just click the OK button

              • Then the encoding process (change video file format) as well as Burning process will begin. Well the process is very time consuming.

              * Usually this process takes about less than 3 hours to make a DVD that it was full of tapes. Maybe you should go and get some sleep manda hahahahahaha

              If the later is complete, then you can simply play it on a DVD Player TV or playing on the laptop by using the software
              Cyberlink Power DVD.

              Silakan Download DVD Flick Dari Situs Resminya Disini

              Semoga Bermanfaat,

              Tetap Semangat!!
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              1 komentar:

              tejo said...

              makasih gan infonya dan salam sukses

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