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Monday, June 4, 2012

Template SEO Friendly | Anasz-Blogs

Template SEO Friendly - edit by

Thesis for blogspot. Just by its name I think you can guess what it is right ? Yes, It is a thesis template for blogspot edited by's admin.

Said the author ; "This is my New Year's post, where it is thesis template for blogger blogspot user. Actually, this template's structures has been finished in 2011, yet it is not published since I'm quite busy lately.

For the present on my MIA, I give you the template that has many good features and functions that has being waiting for from several friends from Malaysia and Indonesia. After I see through it's SEO, simple design, clean looking and fast load, and have elements of thesis so I named it thesis for blogspot.

Lets see, what features this template has.

Personal massage form Aiman ; I'm not English nor good at it. I can said that I have a high confidences that in every line in this review, there might be a or many mistakes. I'm so sorry. Hopes, you can correct it yourself *or tell me where the mistakes. Thank You :) This review is equal with translating the actual article - permission given by the author.

Template's Appearance

This template created without any background picture and its only use a combination of color for make it loading more faster and looks simple - user friendly & crawler friendly.
The header will be the only picture exist in this template (not including ads). Several good thesis elements has been implanted in this template's appearance, and as you can see, there are many borders in this template, and for comment link it has its own bracket { comment } same as thesis design.
Others, you can see it in forblogger blog 

Thesis Dynamic Heading Tag

Dynamic heading tag is one of the hardest thing to set up in a theme. This basically can be seen from thousand type of blogspot and wordpress templates that cant achieve the perfect heading tag (google had made a video about telling people "Don't make your blog a broken site by disorganized heading tags").
For wordpress, just need to select a correct plug in. But for blogspot it is DIY with knowledge in css and combine with microformat. 
Surprise. This template has its dynamic heading tag perfectly made, and you just only to use it. For more explanations - heading tags seo.

Template Dynamic Meta Tag

Beside dynamic heading tag, dynamic meta tag for this template is also a good element and it make this template has it's own uniqueness. It will automatically compile keywords in the search engine.

Single post - Without high knowledge on playing with the keyword in an article, it will help you get the good rank in the search engine. What you have to do is just put the keyword in the title for target in the search engine.

Automatically, in the search result, the description of the article will have 2 same keyword that being taken from the article's title combine with main title of the blog. As you guys know, article that always got the first page on google result have two keywords on its description, and the result more focus on the description. (Of course the article's title too)

Homepage - For the homepage, you just need to fill it just once in your lifetime (using this template) on meta tag description/keyword side. This will helps the blog to be more SEO friendly and gaining good position in blog's niche ranking.

Default Comment Style

As you can see below (commenting area) , it is designed to be more orderly, simple and more professional than default style for basic blogger template. Latest update form author, its design with threaded comment style.
You know, I wanted to use IntenseDebate for my default comment, but it only limit just for 100 comment per post, and not all bloggers have ID account or know how to use it, so I cancel it out and still using blogger style.
The latest update that author made for the commenting style, make no difference between using an ID or blogger style comment as the main point of using ID is just boosting a conversation with a threaded comment right ? With the update, everyone can comment :)

Share Button and Google Plus 1

You can see at the bottom of this post have a social share/bookmark buttons. There also a Google Plus 1 button and at homepage too right ?

You know, I learn this from the author taught , that, an article have the trust of Google result also based on how many backlinks it has or earn. Means, the more backlink your article have from different sites, the more trust Google have for it. So, the social share/bookmark button is such a handy tools for a writter to have its article appear on first page Google.

Using Label as a Keyword Tag (Breadcrumbs)

Breadcrums menu on the single post have been combine with the microformat structure that recommend by Google itself for easy reading by search engine robot with its attribute rel="tag" on the keyword.

It will tell Google, the keyword we made as the label is a keyword that we tagged (good for SEO), so that it will be much more understandable by crawler to read the single post content.

As a prove, you can use Rich Snippets Testing Tool to test result of a single post in this template. At the result, you can see a several lines shows a rel=tag, tag=keyword there.


Demo / Support

Download : Thesis For Blogspot — Download

For any trouble, complain, or any suggestion on this thesis template, you can leave a question here or in his website.

I'm sure, the author, although kinda busy on his day, he surely will answer yours.

For your information, many author/blogger are using this template in their website. Search for "DIY themes by belajar seo blogspot". Author - Belajar SEO Blogspot

Goodluck on your way making your site more SEO friendly. I'm just a rockie :)

DIY means "Do It Yourself"

waaaa... surely there is a lot of weird grammar and words I have used up there..sorry,, im noob.. 
*blushing >.<
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