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Thursday, February 12, 2015


Friday, February 7, 2014

BlackBerry® ID Account modifications

Your BlackBerry® ID account has been modifiedThis is a service message sent by or on behalf of Research In Motion Limited ("RIM").RIM has a long-standing policy of protecting customer privacy. Please take a moment to read RIM's Privacy Policy.© 2013 Research In Motion Limited, 295 Phillip St., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3W8. All rights reserved. BlackBerry®, RIM®, Research In Motion® and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of RIM and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the wor...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Confirm your BlackBerry® ID email address

Confirm your BlackBerry® ID email addressHello rae,To enjoy the full benefits of your BlackBerry® ID, confirm your email address.This link will expire in 72 hours. BlackBerry® ID is your universal BlackBerry key. Here's what it offers: One sign in for all BlackBerry applications, services, and websites. Automatic transfer of some email accounts and services when you switch smartphones. Full access to all features in BlackBerry® World™ storefront.Protection of financial transactions using BlackBerry services.Learn more about BlackBerry IDThank you,The BlackBerry TeamThis is a service message sent by or on behalf of Research In Motion Limited ("RIM").RIM has a long-standing policy of protecting customer privacy. Please take a moment to read RIM's...

sugi anto added you on Google+

Follow and share with sugi by adding him to a circle.Don't know this person? You don't have to add them back (they'll only see what's shared with them). Learn more.Add to circlesPeople you might know in sugi anto's circles. View all »ismiftah nuzulla andrianiPT. GRHA SENTRA SUNTERAdd to circlesTante SrikandiAdd to circlesVera Amore 黃小美KFCAdd to circlesChange what email Google+ sends you. View sugi's profile or block sugi completely.Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043 ...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Welcome to Cbox!

Hello Your Basic Cbox has been created! Your account name is: 3gpyess If you haven't already installed your Cbox on your website, click the link below and log in with your account name to get your unique code and step-by-step instructions to help you place your Cbox on your page. ABOUT THE PREMIUM CBOX You have signed up for a Basic Cbox. The Basic Cbox is completely free, but it has a few limitations. Upgrade to the Premium Cbox to unlock all the great cutting-edge features that will make your Cbox stand out on your website and truly impress your visitors. See our feature comparison chart at For more information about upgrading, see If you have any problems or questions,...

Sunday, February 2, 2014

"Shakira - Can't Remember to Forget You ft. Rihanna" dari shakiraVEVO

Pernah melihat video ini? Berikut adalah daftar otomatis dari beberapa video yang paling populer di YouTube dalam minggu ini. Silakan dilihat. Shakira - Can't Remember to Forget You ft. Rihanna oleh shakiraVEVO 46.989.337x tayang [HD] LUCU ASIK! PUJIONO MANISNYA NEGRIKU (Lagu Ciptaan Sendiri) Ind... oleh syah liany 604.690x tayang Riska Afrilia (Derish) Gagal Masuk Indonesian Idol 2014 (Babak Elim... oleh HajiSulamChannel...

Monday, January 27, 2014

"PUJIONO - MANISNYA NEGERIKU (Pujiono) - Audition 5 (Jakarta) - Indo..." dari Indonesian Idol

Pernah melihat video ini? Berikut adalah daftar otomatis dari beberapa video yang paling populer di YouTube dalam minggu ini. Silakan dilihat. PUJIONO - MANISNYA NEGERIKU (Pujiono) - Audition 5 (Jakarta) - Indo... oleh Indonesian Idol 124.840x tayang Pujiono Pengamen Jakarta Siulannya yang Menghibur di Audisi Indones... oleh Adhie07 173.972x tayang JUDIKA - OPLOSAN Versi Batak @ YKS (Durasi Panjang) oleh Musik Channelku 105.322x tayang jawaban ngawur angel lelga calon wakil rakyat di mata najwa oleh manroe 1.144.323x tayang ...


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